An Overview
The field of radiation safety and protection involves consistent and rigorous research coupled with subsequent development of ideas to safeguard the general interest. We at Envolta strongly believe in putting our expertise in R&D to come up with revolutionary output that resonates with both quality and safety norms. Our company is registered with AERB and our competent team of researchers aims at building technology that simplifies your work, reduces vulnerability to risks in the industrial realm, and assists you to make better decisions that let your business stay soaring. Concisely, we strive to let the earth breathe free of ionizing radiation.
Our Vision For The Mission
The major pollutants in the physical world are either gaseous in nature and sometimes these can be radioactive as well for example Radon is a radioactive gas that cannot be detected without appropriate testing. At Envolta we focus on providing reliable services to ensure radiation safety and protection. Moreover, we are committed to enhance our sources so that efficiency could be sustained at an affordable price. Hence, our strategy is to secure Research & Development in all possible spheres of securing safety for companies that are looking for trustworthy solutions.
We are devoted to the three Es as all our applications and procedures are based on three elements viz. Efficiency, Economy, and Evolution. Our motto is to keep the world safe and make it free from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation so that the planet we live in becomes a better place over time without disturbing the ecological balance.

Our Domain Of Research And Development
Envolta Research and Development team excels in research and development concerned to the following sectors of radiation safety and protection.
- Industrial Safety Development.
- Radiation Safety Improvement.
- Improvement of Radiation Detectors and Identification of Unknown Radioactive Materials.
- Development of IoT & AI Based Devices.

Our Latest Safety Jack
ROBODET- An IOT Based Inspection Bot for a Total Safety Thought.
Our latest innovation is a fully working robot based on the Internet of Things (IoT). It is equipped with intelligent features that make it an ideal device to not only detect hazardous gas leakage at industrial sites but to prevent accidents too. As we already know that chemical factory sites and various industrial units are prone to sudden gas leakage and other mishaps. More often, manual handling and direct physical human intervention can lead to other severe hazards. For this, our team of experts have come up with a prudent mechanism that blends technology and artificial intelligence. The designed device is both trendy and handy too. The compact arrangement makes it apt for use in home automation systems, industrial robotics, advanced health care devices, personal weather station monitoring, security systems, etc. ROBODET is a practical implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT) solutions similar to other industrial robots. It serves as a link to bridge the gap between hardware and software technology applied to real-time operating systems (RTOS). The use of this type of robot can improve productivity, security, safety, and manpower. Robots have been developed to perform various types of work like manufacturing robots for packing in the food beverage industry, welding robot in the automobile industry, mobile robots in space. Our research of several months has successfully yielded the inspection robot that can smartly sense the presence of poisonous gases and in turn, warns about the same using IoT technology. Interestingly, it is potent enough to share the recorded data over diverse digital means of communication including that on the World Wide Web.